Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Warming in South Florida Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Warming in South Florida - Essay Example The corrosion or depletion of the ozone layer allows the infrared radiations into the earth in a large amount. The gas also absorbs much of these radiations and because they are atmospheric gases they warm the planet hence global warming. Land use in many parts of the world has resulted to these changes in the atmospheric temperatures. Deforestation has been ranked first as a major cause. Forest plays a very important role on the control of carbon dioxide gas in the air. In other terms, it is referred to as the greenhouse gas cycle. In this cycle, plants do take in oxygen during the day and releases it in the night (Aston). Cutting down of trees breaks this cycle, therefore, most of the gases released in the atmosphere remains there influencing the global warming. South Florida is one of the parts in the city which have not appreciated this fact and continue to destroy the forest so that they can develop settlement. Developed countries are the majority of the nations on earth which have been experiencing temperature variations due to global warming. This is because they are the ones which use much of the fossil fuels such as petroleum in their industries. Although Florida does not so many heavy industries which emit the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the effects of global warming are so much evident. For example, the smoke released from the cars does form heavy smog in the air when it mixes with fog. In United States of America, the southern region of State of Florida takes the lead on the consequences the increased global heat. This is because of its strategic location as it borders the Pacific Ocean. This is because oceans are very important measures of the effects of global warming. The effects global warming is so vivid in major parts of the world and it willed is discussed in relation to South Florida. One of the consequences of increased global heat is the increase in thermal heat. It has been established that the

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