Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Problem Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay

There are at least four ethical areas I would like to ponder: Whether to maintain someone in the battlefield or return them home; whether to retain a service member on duty in the military, vs. recommending a medical board (medical discharge); confidentiality, and/or what command needs to know; and disability and compensation issues, if diagnosed with PTSD (Ritchie, 2012). The authors of this article wanted to do a research to address the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in severe mental illness, the method use was a Trauma Recovery Group implemented at the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, which was a mixed gender cognitive behavioral program of 21 weeks which includes breathing retraining, education about PTSD, cognitive restructuring, coping with symptoms, and making a recovery plan. Treatment completers improved significantly in PTSD symptoms and diagnosis, depression, and post-traumatic cognitions, but dropouts did not (Mueser et al., 2007). The results support the feasibility of the Trauma Recovery Group program and suggest it produces clinical benefits for this population (people with PTSD) and helps the social workers to understand and intervene with this special population at a micro level. However, in this other article the authors have provided valuable conceptual insights about how autonomy may relate to therapeut ic change in the context of traditional psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy. They argue that anShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1494 Words   |  6 PagesCauses and Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Post-Traumatic stress disorder has affected humans probably as long as we have had a higher consciousness, but it is only recently that researchers, medical professionals and psychotherapists have had much understanding into its nature and treatment. 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