Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Great Gatsby By F. Fitzgerald - 906 Words

In this day and age, money is such an important asset to have. One needs money to take care of them self and live on this earth. In the Great Gatsby, by Thomas F. Fitzgerald, having a large sum of money just isn’t enough. In this novel, money symbolizes a social evil and it corrupts people with wealth and ultimately destroys their life. Desire is an unavoidable instinct of human nature. This instinctive behavior will continue whether or not the person fulfills their initial desire. Our desires are proportionate to the possessions we own and accumulate over time. In the Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby follows his dreams of becoming wealthy and succeeds. He is able to buy anything money can buy. His desire of Daisy causes him to spend tremendous†¦show more content†¦Tom is a prime example of an East Egger who has inherited quite a lot of â€Å"old† money. Gatsby is a West Egger who by bootlegging and doing favors for others acquired â€Å"new† money. During the 1 920s, the conservative â€Å"old rich† despised the â€Å"new rich†. The â€Å"new rich† enjoys displaying their wealth in grand ways that the conservative didn’t approve of. Gatsby always wanted to be wealthy and achieves this and hopes to win Daisy over with this â€Å"new money†. Gatsby has an obsession with the past and believes he can achieve what he had with Daisy five years with his wealth. Obviously this isn’t possible to do and Nick tries to tell him this plenty of times but Gatsby chooses not to listen. He owns a huge mansion but is the only person living in it with a few servants as well. Gatsby uses the house attempting to win happiness and respect from others. He tries to buy his happiness with over the top parties he throws at his home every weekend. The expensive items he buys aren’t just for his happiness but something to lure Daisy to him. His house happens to be across from Daisy’s. Her house is only visible a t night by a green light at the end of her dock. The green light symbolizes Jay’s attempt to recreate the past love for Daisy. After Gatsby and Daisy reunite it is extremely awkward but they hit it off and he invites her to his place so he can impress her with his wealth and expenses. Daisy is very fascinated by his wealth and possessions and they have an

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